About Darwin The Dodo

Posts by Darwin The Dodo:

Latest stock update!

Good morning one and all! Tis I Darwin, everybody’s favourite dodo here with a little bit of news. We have just received copies of Colostle which we are selling in a combined package with the Roomlands expansion for just £40 the pair. We also see the return of Marrying Mr Darcy which we are selling along with the Pride and Prejudice with Zombies expansion for just £28. Remember also we still have Flamecraft and all of its latest upgrade packs which we are going to be selling as a complete package for just £75!!! Check out the site for items still in stock or indeed check out Ego in Newtown.

I thank you!

Some stock now available at EGOs in Newtown!

Good evening dodo fans. Tis I Darwin with news of an interesting development for us here at e-Collectica Games. Our good friend Andy at EGO in Newtown has agreed to hold a few of our games on a trial basis for the next month or so. Should this prove to be successful then it may be continued and even expanded, but only time will tell. So if you happen to be in Newtown pop in, you won’t regret it!

Our Bricks and Mortar Store is Now Closed

As of December 28th 2024 our bricks and mortar store in the Market Hall is now closed. We are still operating online in a limited capacity and have yet to formalise plans for the shop going forwards. So keep a beak out for more news over the next few months.

Christmas Eve

Good morning dodo fans! Just to let you know we will be closing at 3pm today and will open again 10am on the 27th.  I thank you!!!

Christmas Opening Times

Just a reminder folks that we’ll be closed next Thurs, Friday and Saturday. But we are open right through from the 17th to the 24th.

Yu-Gi-Oh Cards!!!

Still looking for any offers? Huge collection of Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Must be able to collect – 3 large boxes worth.

Closed Dec 12th to 14th

Good morning dodo fans! Just an early reminder that Old Baldy will be away from Thurs 12th through till Sat 14th Dec, but he’ll be back in harness on Tues 17th Dec. I hope this doesn’t cause too many problems when it comes to your Christmas shopping. TTFN and keep those beaks to the wind.

Fresh goods!

Now in! We may be going out but we’re not going to leave you bereft of choice this coming Yuletide!!!